The short answer is that it’s up to you (but that's what everyone says, right).
Some of the factors which are going to determine how much you can make include:
- How large a business to you want to build?
MARBLELIFE’s model can support a one-man-&-a-helper model as well as a multi-crew, multi-service, multi-location business. It depends on your goals and financial targets. How big do you want to build it? What kind of work-play and earnings-flexibility balance are you looking for?
- How many MARBLELIFE services will you offer?
Each office is trained in all services MARBLELIFE offers; however one can build a business with one, or a broad-based business with all of them. One can focus on one segment or develop positions in numerous segments.
- Can you follow a system?
The reason franchising has been so successful, is that the business model has been worked out, systems developed, processes refined, equipment and sources found, accounting systems developed, supplier relationships established. This allows one to plug-in and apply an established model into your local area leveraging the strengths of a national company in support of your local one. As we say, National Expertise – Delivered Locally. The key is following that system.
- Do you enjoy helping people?
Business is about helping people solve problems. In our case, we provide building solutions designed to enhance the relationship between people, their buildings, their lives and their business. Generally, over time referrals will eventually exceed marketing driven leads, as we grow relationships throughout our local market. In the end business is about helping others.
MARBLELIFE has an enormous market and we’re always looking for ways to expand our revenue sources. If you want to run a top-performing business that hits or exceeds your financial goals, we can show you how and have the experience to help you succeed.
The flexibility of our system allows operators to build a business tailored to their needs and desires. If they wish to operate a one-man-and-a-truck operations that is possible. If you want to build a large multi-crew business that is also possible.

= 2019 – Average US Franchise Revenue
= 2019 – Average US Franchise Monthly Revenue
= 2020* – Average US Franchise Revenue
= 2020* – Average US Franchise Monthly Revenue
= Sept-2021** – Annualized US Franchise Revenue
= Sept-2021** – Average US Franchise Monthly Revenue
*2020 – the Year-of-Covid-Shutdowns impacted MARBLELIFE offices until essential services qualifications could be secured in states that required temporary shutdowns.
**Historically, MARBLELIFE’s 4Q sales average 20% higher than 1Q. If 2021 lives up to these historical trends 2021 annualized sales would exceed the projected figures above which simply assume the last quarter mimics the first 3.
This story gets a little more interesting when we look at the sales in the US between those operating a business with multiple crews and those operating as a Man-and-a-Helper.

2019 - General Mgr. Lead
Sales 2019: $1,054,000
Average Sales: $87,875/mo
AGR: 10%
Since 2011 Great Recession:
AGR 2019: 9%
2019 - Building a Business
Sales 2019: $400,000
Average Sales: $33,350/mo
AGR: 7%
Since 2011 Great Recession:
AGR 2019: 4%
2019 - Bolt-On Services
Sales 2019: $231,000
Average Sales: $19,262/mo
AGR: 0%
Since 2011 Great Recession:
AGR 2019: 4%
2019 - Man-and-a-Helper
Sales 2019: $112,000
Average Sales: $9,580/mo
AGR: 5%
Since 2011 Great Recession:
AGR 2019: (4%)
2019 - All US Offices
Sales 2019: $364,000
Average Sales: $30,340/mo
AGR: 7%
Since 2011 Great Recession:
AGR 2019: 5%
2019 - All Offices Open Over 1 Year
Sales 2019: $323,693
Average Sales: $26,974/mo
AGR: 7%
Since 2011 Great Recession:
AGR 2019: 5%
- 0-Bolt-On – An established janitorial or carpet cleaning business that has “bolted on” a MARBLELIFE franchise in order to add stone restoration and hard surface enhancement business to their existing business. This business is not relying exclusively on MARBLELIFE for their income.
- 1-Man – An office operated by a single person who is selling and performing their work themselves or with a helper.
- 2-Sales-Plus – Owner is focused on sales, and is supported with a team of 1 to 4 technicians.
- 3-Building-A-Business – Owner has hired office staff and is focused on commercial sales with a salesperson handling residential sales, and supported with a team of craftsman.
- 4-General Manager – Owner has installed a General Manager. Business is now an asset that can operate independent of the owner. Owner is free to focus their efforts on the area of greatest interest whether adding a new service or entering a new market.
Our General-Manager-Lead businesses are building businesses that can operate without their owner’s day-to-day involvement. When we look at those that have installed a general manager allowing them to work exclusively ON their business versus IN their business you can see what is possible.
2019 Business with General Manager (4) = $ 1,054,000 $ 87,875/mo.
2018 Building their Teams (7) = $ 400,000 $ 33,350/mo.
One of our Building-Their-Team office is about to graduate to Business-with-General-Manager.
How did he test this?
He took his family on 11 vacations in one year including trips to Ireland, Disney and Thanksgiving in San Francisco, and his business continued to grow. What does he work on when he is in his home market --- what he likes – in his case - sales. The freedom and flexibility to manage your life on your terms.
You might think the big money is in one market or another, but you will see that the larger offices simply have an owner who has decided to build a business that allows them to step away, yet wants to reach ever higher levels.
Our Business-with-General Managers are operating in offices such as Detroit and St. Louis these are working towns versus the big money cities you might expect. This goes to the very fact that you can build a business to the size you desire and need; to meet your income and lifestyle goals balanced with the freedom and time you want and need.
Meanwhile system wide average sales averaged $31423,000 annually or more than $26,1900/mo pre-covid 2019. Sales averaged 7% AGR between 2008 (Great Recession) and 2019.
2020 COVID PERFORMANCE DEEP DIVE- Marblelife not only survived but thrived in response
Systemwide 2020 sales fell 8% as a result of Covid shutdowns, however rebounded and surged up 55% in 2021, through the first nine months of 2021. Shutdowns were short, lasting only as long as it took each impacted office to secure their “essential services,” approvals and return to work to assist our clients in their response to Covid in their buildings.
Strong rebound performance has been driven by three factors:
- Increase in demand for “New-Clean” appearance surfaces which drives restoration services.
- As people left offices to work from home, MARBLELIFE shifted our marketing accordingly, and people took advantage of being home to get MARBLELIFE services completed.
- MARBLELIFE launched new residential services including our ENDURACHIP garage floor coatings, and MARBLIZED Concrete coatings representing another new MARBLELIFE market.
- MARBLELIFE expanded its network of services by over 10%.
- MARBLELIFE national accounts surged services designed to enhance building clean-and-hygenic appearances and performance.
MARBLELIFE services all building markets. This allows us to shift focus between markets with the market. In this case, as hotels and office buildings shutdown, MARBLELIFE shifted marketing resources to residential, condo and apartment markets. While other service businesses that focused exclusively on hotel/commercial focused businesses failed, MARBLELIFE sales dipped temporarily by 8% before surging.
Meanwhile as hotel and office buildings come back on line, this is expected to further drive sales as there return adds to the growth in residential and new services. Why are we confident? Because, none of our maintenance contracts were canceled, they were simply put on hold until guests and office tenants returned to their buildings.
In comparison, while the US GDP expanded 38% since 2011, MARBLELIFE has grown by 68% almost twice the rate of GDP growth.
Once MARBLELIFE is in a market, it becomes substantially more difficult for a competitor to establish a competitive voice, by design. We aim to not just assist our partners in growing their business, but with a goal to be the largest, most expert, customer satisfying and dominant voice in the space.
So while others disappeared during Covid, MARBLELIFE has leveraging the new demands of building owners and renters to expand services and sales.