If you were given a pencil and asked to draw a person, the results would differ based upon your training, understanding, assessment of the task, and your understanding as to how this very simple tool can be utilized. Clearly, the time required and the outcome can vary greatly.
The fact that someone has a grinder, or owns diamonds, or attended a class does not mean they can generate a superior stick figure or understands blending and feathering.
Even once they see a superior job they often cannot access the support and expertise needed to address the specific situation they face. Will your college professor step up, answer your phone call about a question you have today?

Will the vendor that sold you the pencil help you master the skills needed to deliver a piece of art?
Not many.
Yet lining up solid knowledgeable mentors who can provide guidance on how to recognize situations, and not just to address them, but to do so in an efficient manner are crucial to the success of an artist, or a new business person or craftsman.
MARBLELIFE® does. This is why we have thrived for over 3 decades. It is why we have more than 100 craftsmen in the market. It is why our training is more extensive than our competitors can access.
There is not much we have not already seen and mastered, and in those rare cases when something new does appear, the office that alerts us has the full support of our R&D and Marketing staffs (depending on the type of event) to assess the problem, develop a solution, and implement it with the local franchise. But, it does not end there, that learning is then shared with every franchise office and craftsman in the system, so that we are all learning together, whether that is how to address a new situation, or adapting a new more productive tool or technique, or reviewing restoration and care instructions for a new offering that just appeared in a market half a continent away. Our training never ends. As a result, we see other service providers joining MARBLELIFE®, versus seeking to learn and master such a craft on their own, and it’s why our clients trust MARBLELIFE, because our teams are ready, confident and professional. They are rarely surprised, and if they are they know there is a team supporting their successful outcome.
While we will hear offices championing one technique, tool or solution over another at MARBLELIFE we are seeking to generate an optimal solution for the client that minimizes their cost, time, and disruption, and as such one technique may be best for one application while another for another.
Having a floor machine doesn’t make you a hard surface craftsman.
How do you get to the Met? ... Practice.
How do you become a MARBLELIFE® craftsman?
Be selected. Be trained. Continue to be trained. Take care of people well.
It just makes sense. People want their homes and buildings to be healthy, inviting and safe. They want their service provider to be on time, knowledgeable, polite, and timely in their efforts, but above all else to deliver on their commitments. Do it right, on time the first time. This is not a commitment for the moment, but an ongoing search as to how to do it better, faster, greener and friendlier.
There’s a reason franchises are successful, they can leverage their size to insure consistent research in technology and marketing, but they provide their clients confidence in the outcome they can expect from a reputable successful company.